Blogging in Place Archives
January 2013

There is a saying that goes something like this: 

The quickest way to take the enjoyment out of a hobby is to make it a business

I’ve heard this – A LOT - over the years. 

I’m not sure if I am in the minority on this, but I’ve found just the opposite to be true.  I love the fact that I can do something that I enjoy so much and earn some money doing it. 

Perhaps it’s because I know it’s not my main source of income, so the pressure is relatively low; even though, I strive for perfection as if my “job” depended on it.

Maybe it’s because I know I can decide to stop doing it at any time; even though I constantly look for new ways to expand. 

I can’t really put my finger on it, but I certainly enjoy combining both. I would love nothing more than to find a way to make my “hobbyness” my main source of income.

Something about living on the money I earn for doing something I love and being my own boss everyday seems like a dream come true. 

There is another saying out there that goes something like this:

Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life

January 23, 2013

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first 4 sharpening the ax"

-Abe Lincoln

Doesn't seem right to try and elaborate on Honest Abe. Since I am pressed for time this week, I won't, but this is a favorite quote of mine because it is so true. Preparation for anything is the key to success.

January 17, 2013

With a new year upon us, many people are talking about improving their lives.  We all know the resolutions. No need to mention them, we all made them at one time or another.

This year, why not consider doing something that will REALLY improve your life; something  you won’t have to push yourself “to keep”, something that will make you truly happy, something that gives you more instead of a resolution that inhibits, denies, cuts-back, or in one way or another takes things away?

Take up a hobby you have an interest in.

Don’t think of reasons you can’t do it, just commit to doing it and give it all you’ve got.

Learning something new, and getting passionate about it, can improve your life in ways you never thought possible. You’ll feel a sense of excitement, progress, accomplishment and pride. You’ll find yourself reading about it, talking and thinking about it and looking forward to getting back to it as soon as possible.

You’ll meet new people who share your interest and grow closer to friends and family you share it with.

Taking up a hobby will also lead to learning about many other things related to it; things you never thought of. When I took up frame-making it led me to learning: how to cut mats myself, a lot about photography, how to start a small business, even how to build a web site.

There is a reason that the success rate of most New Year’s resolutions is very, very low.

There is also a reason that most people who find a hobby they are passionate about stay with it and feel more fulfilled.

If you want a resolution you can stick with -make one to find a hobby you’re interested in.

 January 10, 2013

Try this out one day - notice how many picture frames you see in every store, house, school, meeting room, office, cubicle, restaurant, gym, post office, auto shop or wherever else it is that you go.

I bet you won't come across one place throughout your entire day where there isn't at least one frame, of some sort, somewhere. 

If you come across that place -  let me know below in the comment box! I would be very surprised!!

Picture frames hold never ending reminders of people we love or places we were that brought happiness and special memories. They allow us to display prints of famous paintings right in our homes and offices. They show-off our achievements and things we're proud of.

Picture frames help to make our lives just a little bit nicer.

Making (or giving) someone a frame - brings them happiness.

Make someone happy...

January 3, 2013

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Updated November 18, 2022