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Picture Frames 101 E-Zine, Issue #002 -- Back to the Shop September 16, 2014 |
Fall is almost here!9.16.14 Volume #2 Now that fall is approaching, its time to get back in the shop. It's also time to start thinking about your holiday list and what you'd like to make this year for your family and friends. A beautiful picture frame with a special picture, poster or collage is always a great choice. So, start thinking now and then start creating! In this addition: 1. Tip of the month 2. Questions from the Gallery 3. GIVE-A-WAY 4. Cool App for I-Phone
Tip of the MonthIf I could buy only 1 router bit to make my picture frames with, it would be a Classic Roman Ogee.In my opinion, it's really all you need. I have a bunch of bits, don't get me wrong, it's nice to have them and buying tools is fun - but if you're just starting out you can't go wrong with this one. You can make a variety of profiles from just this one bit by raising or lowering the bit. If you don't have one, do yourself a favor and pick one up (click on the pic to see details at Amazon)
Questions from the GalleryI'm often asked about the type of glass to use for picture frames. Is standard glass good enough? Do I need to use UV glass?It depends.... If you are framing something of value (financial or sentimental) you should use UV glass to protect the item from discoloring over time. In most other cases, standard glass is probably all you need. Standard glass blocks 50% of UV rays (the industry standard for UV glass is 97%). If you want more details on the types of glass you can use and the pros and cons of each, click on this link for a lot of info on glass (even how to cut it yourself!). All you need to know about picture frame glass
Give-a-way!!!Every now and then I will give something away to one of the readers of this newsletter. Entering will be easy.This month I'm giving away 1 of these framing clamps. They're great for squaring up and gluing frames together - especially large frames. Retail value is about $35. All you need to do to enter the drawing is leave a comment at the bottom of the linked page, by September 30th, about what you use to clamp up your frames and why you like that method (or if you're just starting - what you think you might use). I will pick one of the comments as the winner!! Frame pictures right from your I-phone!Even if you prefer to make your own frames, I have to share this cool app I came across for I-phone users.Download the app and you can then take a pic with your I-phone, request a size and a frame, have it wrapped and delivered as a gift to someone or send it directly to your house. All within minutes. All directly from your phone. Technology continues to amaze.... You can check it out here: That's all for now. Don't forget to enter the Give-a-way above and feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or suggestions. Take care
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